Hey everyone,
This last weekend was a blast. For all incoming freshmen, ya'll will have to take a required "Foundation Sequence" course for both semesters of your freshman year. Each Foundations class goes on a field trip, and depending on which teacher you get, you could be going to places like Montreal, Boston, NYC, etc... When i first caught wind of this I was so excited for our trip. I was pumped to take part in our little excursion; however, when i heard that our class was only going 40 minutes up the road to a farm and attending a harvest festival, all of my positive energy turned into a lame outlook. Why would i want to go to a farm when I live in Vermont? I practically live on one. Going into the trip my attitude was, not going to lie, terrible! I felt like I was wasting my perfectly good Saturday on a useless school function. However, little did I know the pointless afternoon I expected to be a part of turned into a wonderful experience. Yah, some of the things we talked about I already knew, mainly involving the animals around the farm, but the crops were very interesting. We were able to sample some of the veggies being grown. I tried veggies from cabbage to hot peppers, from sweet corn to broccoli. On top of learning about the plants and animals that are harvested each year upon the farm, we got to attend the Van Burren harvest festival. I know it sounds really lame, but there was a lot of neat stands and demos set up for us to learn about. Most kids decided to sit around and pout the day away, but I decided to look around. It was interesting to witness some of the displays. I learned about the process of making indigo, how to make alcohol, as well as butter, and I even got to see a cool duck herding demo done by dogs. (I know it sounds corny, but I love dogs so it was right up my alley =]) My experiences this past weekend taught me, in a way, not to be close minded toward new experiences. Just because you may think something will be lame or stupid, sometimes you simply have to give it a chance, and hey, you might even enjoy yourself!
Alright everyone, it looks like its time for me to head out. Talk to ya'll later. Keep it real!....
Josh Baillargeon