Saturday, January 31, 2009
SLI Fellows
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thinking About Summer
The reason I am writing this now is that I have decided to apply for the program. When people ask me what career I want to pursue I always say that I want to be an attorney. To be honest though, I am not entirely sure of that. Experiencing first-hand what legal research entails will help me to determine whether or not I want to actually go to law school. Applications are due by February 18th, and individuals who are selected for the program will be notified by April 15th. Wish me luck!
Until Next Time,
Mike DiSiena
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Anyway, I'm going skiing tomorrow :-/ I really don't even know if I like it yet, considering the first time I ever did it was last year, and I spent most of the day on my butt or upset and frustrated. But everyone tells me once I learn I'll love it... so I guess I'll see how it goes. My boyfriend, Keith, is a really really good skier, and it's kind of discouraging at times because of how good he is. :o( I hope tomorrow is better.
Wow, I just sound like Debby downer today don't I? Well, at least there's only one more class today. Time to shower... talk to you soon! Everyone have a good weekend!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Snow day!
Keep it real, Josh.....
Monday, January 26, 2009
Ok seriously.
Well, since finals were CANCELLED :-D I only had to take one which was awesome! As soon as I got home though, work started. I seriously worked everyday from the day I got home to Christmas Day, then every day till New Year's Day, then every day after that until like 3 days before we came back to school. Yea, its money, but still! I feel like I had no vacation! Besides that though, the holidays were really really nice. And so much fun!
This semester is a little bit crazy for me. I'm taking 4 English classes, which, as you can guess, is A LOT of reading and writing. But it's my major, so I guess I'll just have to stick it out. Although I'm taking 4 English classes, they're actually all pretty interesting. Gender and Power in Film, Survey of Brit Lit II, Poetry, and Shakespeare. To all you science and business majors out there, this may sound like death. To me, Physics is like Chinese. So we all have our own little niches :o)
I'm really proud of myself, because I'm starting to whip my butt into shape again. (FINALLY). Enough slacking off, and back to the gym it is! Thank goodness!
My application for London isn't due until March 27th, which is good, because I'm not quite finished. Figures, I save the hardest part for last, the personal statement! But its totally worth it. We got the schedule/ itinerary, and I CANT WAIT! Speaking of which, I have to go meet with Dr. Leslie (English Department Professor) about my internship in London. So let me run! I'll keep you posted on the process!
Yes We Did!

So as I said before, I went to Washington DC for the Inauguration (thanks Siena!). It was a great time. I saw Colin Powell, Al Gore, went to the concert with Usher, Beyonce, U2, and everyone else. I heard Obama speak to hundreds of thousands, and I joined millions in downtown DC on Inauguration Day. I'm not at my laptop right now, so I don't have all my pictures to share, but this one was taken right next to the Washington Monument, and I thought it was a pretty telling photo. Some highlights of the trip were when everyone was singing "One Love" out on the National Mall, when film director Eugene Jarecki (Why We Fight) gave me permission to print a poem of his in Siena's Promethean, the moment Barack was sworn in, and trying to run up a really long down escalator at 2 in the morning in the DC metro system.
The semester is back in swing. Mr Siena is coming up and I'm pretty excited for that. We start rehearsals for Doubt tonight. And in 10 minutes I have my Irish Literature class! So with that I will be off. As soon as I can upload a couple more pictures for you guys to see what DC was like last week I will. Some of you are winding down your last year in high school. Be excited but keep up good work!
La Dolce Vita

Ciao Tutti!! (hey everyone!)
Gregorio here, writing to you from the REAL Siena in Italy! I am studying abroad here for the semester so be sure to stay tuned to my blog! I arrived here in Siena on Jan 15th. The study abroad program in Siena, Italy, is one of the most authentic and gives students the opportunity to really immerse themselves in Italian culture. I am doing a home-stay (as do all of us) with an Italian family. My family is absolutely fantastic! they are such a typical italian family, its so funny! And its so awesome because my host mom has her own cooking school! so, needless to say, the food has been A-MAZING. I was so nervous that i was going to come back 30 pounds heavier, but the town of Siena is in the hills of Tuscany so there is TONS of walking and lotsssss of i'm hoping it will balance out all the pasta! This weekend we went to Florence which is like an hour away from Siena. We walked all over, saw the duomo (big cathedral) and went to the Uffizi gallery which has like the elite collection of Italian rennissance art in all of Europe. It was so amazing I absolutely love that city!
Classes have been quite intense. When we arrived we took an Italian language placement exam. There is no requirement that says you have to speak Italian to study here. In fact, most of the kids have never taken Italian before. I actually am pretty proficient in Italian and so they placed me in avanzato (advanced). The first 3 weeks are only Italian class before the semester classes begin. For 5 hours a day my class speaks only in Italian...there are only 5 of us in advanced and its more like discussion than actual class, but its quite intense. After the 3 weeks of italian is up they are taking us on a group excursion to the dolomites which is up further north in Italy in the Apls..very exciting.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hi Everybody!
After that though, my day was not even close to being over. Following my exam, I endured a four hour long Mock Trial practice session. Our competition is February 13th so it is crunch time and all hands are on deck.
It has been a quick start once again, here at Siena!
Until Next Time,
Mike DiSiena
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Spring 09
A new semester has officially started. Classes will certainly keep me busy this year, but I'm excited for it. The best part of this semester is that some of my friends who studied abroad last semester are finally back! The day before classes started, all my friends got together and they all shared stories of when they were abroad. The went to london, spain, ecuador, and a few other countries. We've also been spending a lot of time together lately. The past two days, we've all had dinner together which was nice. Not having enough chairs around the table is always a good problem to have.
But now i must depart, we're having a huge Grey's Anatomy party over in Padua. I just caught up on the old episodes this morning, so I'm ready! Thursday nights at 9:00 is always a good time.
Until next time,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Back to School!
Take it easy!
So, I went to Greece?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Just wanted to write real quick to check in and tell everyone how excited I am. In less than a week I will be leaving for my semester abroad in Siena, Italy. I can't waittttttt!!!!!
Stay tuned to my blog for lots of stories and pictures!!