Friday, October 24, 2008


Hey guys! Sorry I've been away for so long. I told Admissions I'd blog this semester and then I kinda forgot that I wasn't blogging. Oops! But some updates for you all. Over the Summer, I was selected as a McGuire Society Student to work with the Admissions staff @ Siena to conduct interviews, attend programs, and help with the application review process. It's been going great so far! I'm pleased with how involved I am as a Senior. Student Senate has been going well. We just got the ATM installed in the Townhouses, we would have the legal music downloading agreement before Thanksgiving, I am working to get other Albany area Student Governments together to share ideas and build networking, I'm hoping to change the campus computer homepages to the new Senate page (, and much more stuff is going on. I'll try to blog once a week or so to give you more specifics, but I just wanted to drop in and let everyone know I'm alive. Classes are going well, best midterm grades I've ever gotten in college came this semester! Woohoo! Ok people, contact me if you have questions, but I'll be back soon!