Friday, November 21, 2008

As time goes by...

Well, its about time to start gearing up for Thanksgiving break. Come next Tuesday, I'll be home for nearly a week. This year, at Padua Hall, Thanksgiving came a little bit early. Our Hall President decided to hold a dinner for the whole building in the lobby area. There was all the food you would expect for a Thanksgiving dinner (at first mashed potatoes were not included on the menu but public outrage from us students changed that). The food was great and it was nice to spend some time with people who, although they live in the same building as you, you never get much time to talk with.

After Thanksgiving break there are only six more days of classes and then finals (I can't believe it!). This semester, just like every other semester flew by. I remember thinking that High School went by fast, and, it definitely does. But I have to say College goes by just as fast, if not faster. So enjoy the time you have and enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

Until next time,
Mike DiSiena

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