Monday, March 30, 2009

Smooth Sailing

Hey everyone. So I know it's been a while since my last post, but that is primarily because of how busy I've been. So here's what's been going on...I just finished my production of Doubt: A Parable. You may recognize the title since the play was recently made a movie with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep. I played the priest (I think I may have told you all this already). We had 6 shows over 2 weekends and it was awesome! All the reviews have been great. One professor even said that it was the best college or university production he has EVER seen. Most of my family came up to see it, a lot of friends and professors on campus came. It really was an excellent show. In fact, I just saw the movie of the first time last night, when they showed it for free on campus!

I went home this weekend (Hartford, CT) to help my best friend with some work, get some free food, do a little job networking, go to a hockey game, and of course, do all my laundry. It was a lot of fun, and now that the play is over my weekends are much more free than they used to be! So the rest of this semester looks like pretty smooth sailing. Midterms are done, they went very well. Now I just have a few final papers and projects to look forward to.

So I'm beginning to realize how much I'm going to miss college. CHERISH IT. If any of you are Juniors coming to Junior Jump Start Day, I will be there. I hope all is well for you guys. Talk to you later this week!

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