Hey Everyone!
I know it's a little late, but I just got home from a great day.. at work! (unbelievable, right?). Tonight we had a very big Bacardi event in our upstairs private dining. The owners of the Bacardi company were there, and it was a "Mojito Workshop". All the guests learned how to make their own mojitos (I, unfortunately, missed out on the lesson... but, after making over 200 mojitos today for the rest of the guests, I think I get the jist of it), while dining on a delicious dinner. But, what was really great about this event, was that it was my project. What most people don't realize about a restaurant, is all the behind the scenes, which is what I did.
The event was blasted through e-mail last Friday to 42,000 people and it was completely booked by Friday evening. We had over 700 phone calls for the event (no exaggeration.. I answer the phones at work). People were calling up until last minute to try and enter the workshop. We had a three page waiting list! Now, with an event this large, a lot of planning has to go into it. This week, my job, along with my normal duties, was to do floorplans, seating charts, table set-ups, and menus, but not just for upstairs, for downstairs as well, because that dining room was completely booked too. The plan I made was fool-proof. Upstairs, since it was a hand- selected menu to go with Mojitos, we had sheets for each waiter and their tables to tally their orders. One copy stayed with them, one went to the kitchen. Then, we had to make tables for the workshop. I arranged the tables, who sat where, and, I seated each party to make sure that they were at the correct table. After everyone was seated, the real fun began. I ran big trays of food up the grand staircase, served people, ran drinks, along with helping out downstairs as well. I was everywhere; in the kitchen yelling at the executive chef because my food wasn't ready, I was in the upstairs kitchen plating desserts and ceviche, I was in the bar making drinks.. whatever needed to be done, really. It was that crazy busy! The Bacardi party ended at around 10, but then we had to clean up, and we still had a lot of tables downstairs (including my brother in the private room with his firm... that was fun... I had to serve them a few times, and they proclaimed they loved me more than him). But, my favorite part of the evening was when the owner of the Bacardi company came up to me, and told me what a great time he had. He was so impressed with how organized it was, and how delicious the food was, and how great the staff was. ( he didn't know I helped plan, he just knew I was one of his waiters). It made my day, and it made everyone elses day because he told us he wants to do more promotions with us. I'm just so proud of how great everything went! It was a lot of work, but, in the end, it was so very worth it.
Anyway, TEN MORE DAYS!! I'm getting very excited to move back.. But, I'm going to miss home. It's such a great predicament, because I love being home, but, I love being at school. Don't forget, if you haven't already done so.. Sign up for Pathfinders at www.siena.edu/pathfinders. And, if you guys have any questions about anything, feel free to e-mail me: la08geli@siena.edu. It's what I'm here for.
See you all soon :)
P.S- Bianca, thanks for the compliment! Photography is just a hobby for me though :)
P.S.S- Attached is a photo of the restaurant I work at from the outside that I took :)
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