Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
My Trip to Washington D.C
Hey Everyone! I hope you're all having a great summer and enjoying your time off! Congratulations Senior Class 2010, I know a lot of high schools have just had their graduations. I recently just got back from my trip to Washington D.C this weekend and I absolutely fell in love with our Nation's Capitol.
I was especially excited about going to the National Zoo! I am a huge animal lover and ever since I was small enjoyed going to the Bronx Zoo, but it was the only one I had ever seen. It was nice to venture out and go some where new. I was so impressed with how easy it was to get there, just a few stops on the metro and a little walking and you're right there!
I am now definitely jealous of all the students who get to do a semester in Washington D.C through Siena! I hope you all get the chance to visit sometime.
- Liv<3
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Officially a Graduate
It's official, I've graduated from Siena with a Bachelor of Arts degree!
I can't believe the past four years have gone by so fast! Siena was a great experience, and if I could turn back time, I'd definitely go to Siena again. Looking back, it was the right choice for me. I could talk forever about Siena, but it really won't mean anything to you until you visit Siena yourself and get a personalized tour from one of our many tour guides.
So good luck to all you out there looking at potential colleges. Hopefully if you decide to come to Siena, your experience will be as rich as mine.
Adios! y Buenos Suerte!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
No shoes, no shirts, no problems.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
1 Month 27 Days 18 Hours & 4min till a Semester in AFRICA!
Certainly not your five minute walk to classes at Siena, but with those mountains I can def. handle it. Siena's Study Abroad Department really gives you the opportunity to go just about anywhere. A friend of mine is going to India and another Vietnam!
<3 Liv
Thursday, April 29, 2010
3 Classes, 1 Exam, and a Thesis Defense :-)
This is it. I just had my last Tuesday-Thursday class at Siena (for those of you who do not know what this is, classes either fall on Monday-Wednesday-Fri or Tuesday-Thursday). I also had my last thesis meeting ever... By the way, my thesis defense is on Monday, May 3rd at 7pm in the Library (L26) for those of you who might be interested in coming!
This is just a bunch of "lasts," and I don't like it!
Soon I will be a Siena alum, moving on to earn my Ph.D. in Biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
But before that, I want to enjoy my last two weeks here. As weird as it sounds, I'm going to try to enjoy the stress of finals, my defense, poster presentations, inductions, and studying. And I'm going to enjoy Senior Week with all of the friends that I have grown up with over these past four years.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
4 Classes, Two Exams, and a Thesis Defense
Importantly, though, Siena has provided me with a quality education. I'm not finished yet and I'll be headed to law school, particularly, Washington and Lee University School of Law. Now, as I've mentioned, I am from Mechanicville, a grand total of twenty-five minutes from Siena. Washington and Lee is in Lexington, Virginia, about nine hours from home. That's what I call broadening one's horizons! There are some similarities to Siena from what I can tell, such as emphasis on fostering a tight-knit community. So, law school will be a new experience both academically and culturally, and I am very much looking forward to it.
Not just yet, though. Until graduation I'll be taking in every bit of Siena I have left!
Take Care,
Mike DiSiena
"Lawyers, I suppose, were children once."
~Charles Lamb
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Last Week!
This is the last week of classes for all of us and its very hectic. Its truly amazing how quickly time goes by. I was recently talking with one of my friends about this year and I realized how great this year was. My first accomplishment was finally declaring a major (applause!). Its a relief to be on a track, even though I still have a whole list of things I want to do in life. My second accomplishment this year was finally officially becoming an RA. Being a resident assistant truly changed my life.I've met some great people (including my boyfriend, Dylan =]) and I know that many of the boys and I will still be friends even after they've left "mommys nest". My third major accomplishment this year was being able to juggle everything. Its so easy to become self absorbed when you see everything on your plate, overflowing onto the table but I didn't let that happen. My juggling had many mishaps, but I'm fortunate in that I always have family and friends supporting me.
Overall, this was a great year for me, and I can't wait for my junior year... Even though I'm still flabbergasted at the fact that two years have flown by SO quickly.
Until the summer,
Monday, April 26, 2010
I've been talking to my parents about plans for graduation and moving out. My mom was actually mentioning how proud she was of me, and how she wouldn't miss my graduation or any of the other celebrations for anything!
Many of the clubs are now coming to an end as well, so the leadership is being passed on to the next year's e-board. It is nice to pass on the responsibility of a club or organization to someone else, but it also makes you realize that you are moving on. Being the Captain of the Bhangra team certainly kept me busy, so passing on the responsibility isn't so bad, but at the same time, I'm really going to miss the team!
Moreover, I realized that academics are going to be very different for me! Next year I'll be going to Medical School. That means for the first two years, I basically attend lectures, study, and take exams. I'm pretty much done writing papers and my science classes won't have lab. Well, except for our anatomy lab in which we dissect cadavers, but that's not exactly the same thing as biochem lab.
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that life passes by fast! If I've learned anything from it all, it is certainly to enjoy every minute of it! So be spontaneous, have some fun, achieve great things, and make some great memories of it all!
:o) To Siena's class of 2010, and to all the high school seniors about to graduate as well, Congratulations!
Friday, April 16, 2010
"Your Names Are Inscribed On Fames Immortal Scroll"
One of the privileges of my time here at Siena has been attending, twice now, a trip to Gettysburg with my fellow students. The trip is organized and led by John Vallely, one of our librarians and a lecturer on U.S Military History. Each year Mr. Vallely takes students to the Battlefield and explains in detail the history of the battle and the significance underlying the many monuments found throughout the grounds. The stories of the sacrifices of those that fought those fateful days in 1863 were truly moving, and Mr. Vallely did an expert job in making the monuments come alive through his account of the battle.
While I'm a political science and philosophy major, I've always loved History, particularly U.S. History. Last year, when the opportunity presented itself to go to Gettysburg, a place I had never gone to before, I jumped at it. I am so glad I did then, and that I was able to do so again. One cannot go to those grounds, made sacred by the blood shed by tens of thousands of American soldiers, and leave unaffected. There are 1,400 monuments preserving the memory of the battle, but the one that strikes me most is the monument, pictured above, to the North Carolinians that fought for the Confederacy (for another angle, see here. The North Carolina monument, designed by the same fellow that designed Mount Rushmore, depicts the faces of actual men that fought in the battle, forever facing the field where Pickett's Charge occured. Behind the monument reads these moving words "To the eternal glory of the North Carolina soldiers. Who on this battlefield displayed heroism unsurpassed sacrificing all in support of their cause. Their valorous deeds will be enshrined in the hearts of men long after these transient memorials have crumbled into dust."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Defending a Year and a Half of Work
You may be wondering why I chose this topic since I am a Biology major. Well, the great thing about Honors Theses is that you can write pretty much about anything you want, even if it is outside your area of study. I happen to be a fan of philosophy, and I wanted to really do something substantial with this interest in my last year here. So here I am... with an almost finished work! I've written it all, and now I'm just revising here and there.
But anyway, my defense is probably going to be in the first week of May. I will be sure to post the date and time on here so anyone who is interested can attend. Pretty please???
Off to revise!
P.S. Here's a fun fact about the Honors Thesis... we get several copies of our work bound in the form of an actual book, and one copy stays in our library here!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Random thought of the day.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Fun Kind Of Homework!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Cherry Blossom Weekend in DC
So for the Easter break, my family and I went to Washington, D.C. to visit my aunt, uncle, and their two little girls. And it just happened to be Cherry Blossom weekend (which we usually miss every year)! All of the cherry blossoms in D.C. were in full bloom. It was a really wonderful scene to behold... not only because of the gorgeous flowering trees, but also because of the hordes of happy people enjoying the first real spring weekend with family and friends. There were hundreds of kites and frisbees. People were snapping pictures and laughing and eating ice cream and just having an all around wonderful time. It really was a great way to spend a long weekend.
This brings me to my advice for the day (in my old, almost graduating age)... make sure when you get a break, you really do take a break. Try to set aside all of those end-of-the-semester worries and really take a breather. I've found this to be really important especially for Easter break, because after that it is full speed ahead to the end of the semester! Then you'll actually be refreshed and won't burn out when it matters.
Stop and smell the cherry blossoms!
And then it's back to the grind.
Here are some pictures from last weekend.
1) A picture my dad snapped of the Capitol while riding a Segway!
2) A close-up I took of the cherry blossoms down by the tidal basin.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Annual King Lecture
Professor Ogletree delved into the hope of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and how that hope can continue to be put into practice today. His lecture was filled with a number of anecdotes about his interactions with the nation's leaders, including the President himself. It was a real privilege to hear from such an important leader in the field of law, and its relationship to race. I am always glad for the opportunity to listen to the scholars that Siena brings to campus. It is definitely one of the added benefits of going to College!
Take Care,
Mike DiSiena
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Blocks,Bubbles, & Lady GaGa..
I'm so glad to be back home with my family! I hope you enjoy my adorable baby cousin Matthew. He is the best part of home. The weather is beautiful so I hope you are all enjoying it too! At the same time its funny I do miss Siena!! And can't wait to get back, and can't wait to see a certain someone ;] ( Yep that's you Michael Ellement)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Random Musings on the Passing Scene
Now that Mock Trial is completed, I can participate again in our school orchestra. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I am the resident percussionist. Tonight was the first practice I was able to attend this semester. We're playing a very nice piece of music that I was totally unfamiliar with before: Mendelssohn's Piano Concerto in G . We're not exactly the Boston Pops, but I've always appreciated the opportunity to play in the orchestra.
On a completely different note, I would mention that, as Jefferson once said, the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time. In that spirit,the Siena Student Senate has asked a few students on campus, myself included, to review and alter the Senate Constitution in order to better meet the needs of the Siena student body. I've very much enjoyed being a part of the process, and hope the changes will be beneficial to the student body. That means you if you come next Fall!
Take Care,
Mike DiSiena
A Trip Down Memory Lane
This is a video from my sophomore year, where a few of my friends and I decided to "perform" at Fall Fusion. Now if you're not familiar with Fall Fusion, it's a really fun show that the Asian Students' Association (ASA) puts on in the fall semester. It's full of performances by the Step Team, the Bhangra Team, individual dancers, musicians, and there is even a fashion show!
So this is a couple of us science major nerds doing a science major nerd themed dance. I'm the one that comes on with a blue backpack at the beginning. (And Indira didn't want me to tell you this, but she's in this too... she's the one that sits up at the front of the stage in the beginning) Shhh :-P
I'm really technologically challenged when it comes to this stuff, so I hope this works...
I'm off to study for my Biochem exam tomorrow! Ah! Talk to you all soon!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Until next week!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Time for an Adventure
I want to start off by saying how much I loved your video, Liv! You did a beautiful job on the set... I'm hoping to go see Perfect Pie this weekend! I hear it's really good.
Anyway, sorry guys that I've been so MIA lately! This is a crazy crazy crazy time! Right now I'm in the middle of a pretty tough semester. I'm teaching my Philosophy of Language class on Tuesday, so I'm trying to prepare for that, working on a term paper, studying for Biochem and trying to learn the intricacies of glycolysis, trying to figure out how do draw faces in my drawing class, choreographing 5 dances for the kids that I teach for their recital that's coming up in June, finishing up my senior thesis on just war theory (which I should have done in 2 weeks, yay!), trying to figure out where I'm going to graduate school for my Ph.D. next year, AND fundraising for my conservation expedition to South Africa this summer.
Yep, that's right... I am going to South Africa this summer with Operation Wallacea! You should definitely check it out! I was looking for an adventure after I finish my undergraduate education here and before I begin my graduate education, and a friend of mine told me about OpWall... which is a really amazing organization that holds research programs in places like Indonesia, Honduras, Egypt, Mozambique, Madagascar, Peru, Cuba, and of course, S.A. So I'm going there for about a month to help with monitoring endangered species, assessing damage to habitats, and aiding in the development of effective conservation programs! I've never been outside of my timezone before, so this is going to be a little scary for me. But it is definitely going to be worth it.
As I said though, I'm trying to get some funds together as it is pretty expensive to travel to S.A. (the World Cup is going to be there at the same time) as well as cover expedition costs. So I'm applying for a bunch of scholarships, and trying to get support from local companies. Does anyone have any suggestions??
Anyway... I'm off to teach some little ballerinas, but I'll talk to you all soon. Wish me luck!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in weeks... Like my title says.. this semester has been a WHIRLWIND! Can you believe it's already half way through the semester?
Life has been good over here. I've been busy with RA-Reapplications, Pathfinder Coordinator Interviews (yes, sadly it's time to pass the torch), Presidential Scholars and, of course, school work. It's incredible how getting involved can keep you so busy.
I'm very excited because tomorrow is my 20th birthday. I've reminded my mom for weeks now that her baby is now turning 20 and leaving the teenage years behind her. I still can't believe how quickly time flies.
But, I must run- I'm running entertainment for Presidential Scholars and the movie is about to start.
Until Next Week!
Happy Day!
Right now, I'm watching my roomate Bianca pace across the room. She's practicing her speech which she will be delivering in front of all the presidential scholars who are coming to Siena. These perspective students are in the process of deciding whether or not they would like to attend Siena. They come on Sunday and stay overnight with a Siena host student. Lucky them, it also happens to be the same day as a huge basketball game! Our men's basketball team is currentlly in the MAAC tournament. I'm not sure who they play today, but we expect a win! Thats why Admissions is taking all of the presidential scholars and their hosts to the game... for free! It will certainly be an exciting game! I'll have to see if I can get tickets still...
Well, I wish Bianca the best of luck with her speech. Although she is a fantastic public speaker. She's also auditioning to be the speaker at our graduation! And I also wish the Men's Basketball team luck, although they probably don't need it either. I guess today is just an overall happy day. Warm weather, speeches, and basketball.
Don't you wish you could be a Siena student??
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Veni, vidi, vici!
In any case, take care.
Mike DiSiena
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Just today, I spoke on a panel for the Presidential Scholars weekend. My audience was prospective Siena students and their parents. I spoke about doing my independent study about poverty in Honduras. Afterwards, my roomate Bianca asked me if I wanted to go down to the Women's Center for an event. They had beads made by Ugandan women and we all made bracelets. I left a little early because I wanted to go back and cook dinner for myself. I was starving.
Mid-way through me cooking dinner, Bianca came home with Paul, a friend who had gone to the Women's Center event with us. They had gotten subs at the wrap-shop and were eating dinner at the table while I was cooking. Then Aly stopped by, she is a former Siena student who is currently in optometry school. She was on campus for the weekend, so she stopped by to say hi for a few minutes.
After cooking, I joined Bianca and Paul at the table and at my dinner. I realize this sounds really silly and simple, eating dinner with friends, but it was a very reassuring feeling that I had. Your friends at Siena really do become family after four years. Its great to have a friend randomly stop by your townhouse and sit down for dinner every once in a while. When I leave Siena, I'm certainly going to miss all my friends and how close we all were.
ps, Happy Valentines Day!
Until Next Time,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happiness in a Jar
If you have not yet discovered the amazing chocolate/hazelnut creamy goodness of this spread... then you are seriously missing out. I'd have to say it's up there in my Top 5 secrets for getting through college. No joke. When I'm really stressed out or have a lot of work to do (as is the case currently... why else would I be blogging at 11:30 on a Saturday night??), Nutella makes it all better. I'm currently enjoying its decadent goodness with some pretzel rods. The sugar keeps me going, the use of it as a reward keeps me motivated, and its delicious-ness keeps me happy.
A friend of mine introduced me to this tasty product my freshman year, and I don't know how I ever got along without it. Nutella has been a loyal friend. Indira and I were actually just talking about whether a contest to win a lifetime supply of Nutella exists somewhere in the world... if anyone knows about one, then let us know!
So anyway... I highly recommend it. It'll be the best decision you and your stomach ever made :-)
Well I'm off to edit some of my thesis, and perhaps finish of this jar of happiness.
Until next time!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Torch Has Been Passed
On a somewhat related note,I'll be venturing Syracuse University this week along with my fellow Mock Trial teammates. Mock Trial is fairly new at Siena; I believe this is the seventh year we've 'fielded' a team. (Perhaps 'courted' the better term?) In any case, my membership on the team for all my years here started rather serendipitously, if you will. I come from a rather small high school, and opportunities such as Mock Trial were unheard of. Fast forward to my first few weeks at Siena and I find an email notifying the student body of Mock Trial 'tryouts,' and supplying directions as to how the tryout would be run. I figured I had nothing to lose, tried out for the team, and have been a member ever since. I am convinced I made the cut that year due to my Bermanesque voice.Subsequent to freshman year though, I'd like to think my knowledge and ability became a factor in my role on the team. In any case, over a semester of work comes to its culmination at Syracuse University this weekend!
Take Care,
Mike DiSiena
"When you break the big laws, you do not get freedom; you do not even get anarchy. You get the small laws."~G.K. Chesterton
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Time Flys By When Your Having Fun!
I'm sorry it has been a little while. I am in such disbelief that I have been back here at Siena for almost an entire month! Crazy how time goes by so fast when you have classes, work, clubs, sports, and other activities every day. I have just been so happy being back here with my friends. Tonight I had an Intramurals Basketball game it was a lot of fun despite the fact we lost. We def. should have won too but were all a tid bit out of shape so running up and down the court drained all our energy real quick. Personally I did decent put up some points and made some good assits.
Now unfortunatly I have to get a move on with my homework.I have to study for a Finite Math test tomm. It shouldn't be too hard at all, it's more reviewing. But it is so hard to move on to Math when I am having so much fun doing my Photography h.w. My photo class is one of my favorite classes here. I feel like eqch week I gain a different perspective on the world around me. I also learn how to make better use of my camera and all the functions it has. Last week I was working on a shape and form project and this week it is texture. For texture I used all our bath towels and my roomates star fish.
Im having a hard time uploading my photos so check me out on Flickr!
Mr. Siena 2010!
I have to say, I look forward to Mr. Siena every year. There are always some really funny talents and its great seeing all the guys you know compete with one another for the title. The first Mr. Siena of 2007 actually made an appearance as well, Pat Farley. He lives in the area and is always making appearances at different events.
Here's a picture of all the contestants plus the MCs Fr. Dennis and Brian.
Alex Mazza, a sophomore ended up winning. Although I think all the boys did such a great job. It was definitely a show to remember!
Until next time,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Been a while...
Hey’s been a while since we've been in touch. My apologies, school has been super crazy and vacation was full of traveling to see family and friends. A lot has happened since I have returned to Siena. School work has been the main focus of my attention, between the four lectures and four labs, however this semester has been a little more unique. Since the beginning of the term, one of my classes has been introduced to a neat program. I'm not supposed to say too much about it since the program is just being developed, but our physics class is using a new software called "Matlab". Within Matlab we are able to set up a number of different applications. Force vectors, electric fields of particles, positions of particles during their encounters with particles, etc....I know this may sound kind of geeky, but it’s a really nice way of visualizing the problems we solve in class after crunching the numbers. I am a hand’s on learner so it’s a good conceptual tool to see our answers, through the support of mathematics. The program is still being tested, meaning there are still some bugs in the system that our class can inform the designers about, but overall it’s a pretty solid tool for the class to learn from. I think it is really neat that we get to be the guinea pigs for something like this. We use other computer software like Logger Pro, excel and such for chemistry, but it’s cool to be able to say you were the first to work on it....Well, anyways, that’s all I got for you today, hope you all are enjoying the weekend. I am going to do the same.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Double Helix
In case you were wondering...
That's me with Dr. James Watson, the man who was part of the dynamic duo (Watson and Crick) that discovered the structure of DNA and kicked off one of the biggest revolutions in the world of science: genetics! And yes, he's a Nobel Prize Winner, the author of many famous scientific articles and books, and the founder of the Watson School of Biological Sciences at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which is where I was interviewing for a Ph.D. program this past weekend. During this 4-day interview process, in which I interviewed with 15 faculty members (who were incredible scientists!), I got an opportunity to speak with Dr. Watson himself. And it was a great honor. It was my first ever interview for a Ph.D. program so I was definitely nervous, but it actually turned out very well. I learned a lot about the program there, and I hope that I helped them to learn a lot about me and who I am as a student and a scientist.
When I first learned about DNA in grade school, that's when I decided I wanted to be a scientist (a geneticist to be exact)... a goal that was sparked by the man I shook hands with last Saturday.
I hope that one day I can spark that same curiosity and desire to learn in others. I guess we'll have to see...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Time flies!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Presidential Scholars Come to Visit!
Today, I was asked to sit on one of the panels as a student speaker. I spoke on behalf of the Liberal Arts Independent Study option. As of right now, I am finishing up my own Independent study. Its a great way for me to finish up my Spanish minor and get the last three credits I need. In order to do so, I have to write a 15-20 page research paper in spanish. I am writing my paper on Poverty in Honduras because this past summer, I did a two month service trip to Honduras. I was able to incorporate many of my experiences into my paper.
The great thing about the Independent Study is that I get to choose my topic and write what I am passionate about. Its also a direct application of what I have learned in my classes to an experience that I had. I love how Siena has so many options when it comes to classes and how flexible they are to work with you. Your Siena experience is really what you make of it, and if you use all the resources available to you, let me tell you, its quite the experience.
Below is a picture of me while I was in Honduras!
Until next time,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Mission Accomplished...Almost
Oh, and by the way, what Bianca says about Siena Basketball...completely true. I am a huge football and baseball fan, and I'll even admit to having rooted for the New York Knicks for a year or so during my naive youth, but basketball was never really something that I followed much. Well, I come to Siena, and all of a sudden I've turned into a NCAA Basketball fanatic. See for yourself:
Games attended Freshman year: 0
Games attended Sophomore year: 2
Games attended Junior year: a lot
Games attended Senior year: every home game so far
Pretty clear trend I would say.
Take Care,
Mike DiSiena
Monday, January 25, 2010
Morning Wake-Up Call!
And now, I'm back at Siena and the semester is already well on its way! Coming back for my final semester has got me thinking about how much I'm going to miss this place. But its really the small details that make the experience. Like the mornings! I'm certainly not a morning person, but my mornings always get started on a happy note.
The routine starts when my roomate Bianca gets up before me. She's always an early riser. I always tell her to make sure I get up at a decent hour with enough time to get ready for classes. Bianca and I usually alternate turns as to who gets to choose the music for the morning. We've always got music playing, its a requirement for our morning routine. And then we start to get ready for the day, I brush my teeth and make sure I start a pot of coffee (I love coffee. Its the only way I get through morning science classes!). Then Bianca usually checks the weather and I ask her what to wear. She usually helps me pick out my outfit because I'm always indecisive. And then we head downstairs for a bit of breakfast before we're out the door!
I really do extremely dislike getting up in the mornings, but when you get to do it with your best friend, its not so bad. I'm going to miss having someone to get ready with once I graduate.
But... I've got a whole semester of fun before I have to start thinking about that!
Until next time....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
First Week!
Hey Everyone!
Go Saints!
So remember... get to those games and enjoy a little bit of our Siena Saints Spirit!
P.S. This picture is from when we won the MAAC tournament last year and everyone stormed the court!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Spring Cleaning!
Despite the homework Im so excited for my spring classes. I'm getting a lot of my core classes done so I can focus on my major and minor! I had Finite Math this morn, which is looking very promising to be pretty basic and easy enough for me. The best part of Siena's academics are its wide variety of classes to take and making sure there classes for those who aren't experts in the subject. And believe me I have not taken math since junior year of highschool. Despite the up coming stress of classes, tests, and papers, I always look forward to the begining of the semester. New classes and a fresh new start to be whatever kind of student you want to be, and new first impressions to make to show your teachers your serious and want to do well. And of course being the nerd I am NEW SCHOOLS SUPPLIES!!! I love new school supplies =] Come on who doesnt?
Well im going to start my homework and go to my basketball intramurals meeting!
<3 Liv
Friday, January 15, 2010
NYC Adventure!
So yesterday, to try to have some fun at the end of break, my mom and I ventured to New York City (which happens to be only 2-3 hrs from Siena)! Normally, I'm not much of a city lover, but I really had a lot of fun on this trip. When we got down to the city, we stopped for some breakfast at an amazing English restaurant, The Breslin. I've been told that if you're going to eat English food, eat breakfast for every meal of the day. And now I understand why... the breakfast was wonderful (and apparently lunch and dinner aren't so great). Then we stopped over at the Fashion Institute of Technology to go to their fashion exhibits, with clothing from the 1800s to the present. It was incredible to see real-life dresses and outfits that were made so long ago, and also to see the progression of fashion since then. Once we left FIT, we were inspired to do some clothes shopping of our own, as I was in desperate need of interview outfits for my graduate school interviews (which are coming up very soon!). And the search was successful! Trying on all of those suits and business-wear made me feel very grown up, though... and looking at the price tags made me feel too grown up!
The best part of the day is when my mom and I went to the Russian Tea Room, which she has always wanted to go to since she was a little kid. It is simply stunning. The architecture and decorations are beautiful. The tea is, of course, fabulous. We had a wonderful time, and the smile that it put on my mom's face was worth the world to me.
After high tea, we walked around the city when it was all lit up, but then we realized we had to get to our MegaBus in 10 minutes! And there were about 20 blocks to go! A rickshaw driver noticed that we were rushing, and asked if we wanted a ride. So we said "why not?" And we hopped in. And let me tell you... it was the craziest ride I have ever been on! He was speeding in between cars and jumping over potholes, and nearly running over pedestrians! While I was scared for my life, it was incredibly fun! And we got to our bus on time.
I'd say, all in all, it was a day well spent, and a great end to my last Christmas break!
P.S. I would like to congratulate Leanne, the other Pathfinders coordinators, and all of the Pathfinders for all of their hard work on Project Linus. This is a wonderful accomplishment!
I hope that we can harness this feeling of community, and the hardwork and dedication that you all possess to address the call for help coming from Haiti. I know that our Siena spirt can pull us all together to help out and really make a difference in the lives of people who need strength, love, and a little bit of hope.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
And So It Goes
There are a few things I am glad to have finished over break. Chief among them is applying to law school. I've applied to eight very different law schools: Albany, Boston University, Catholic University, University of Florida, Fordham University, George Mason University, Washington and Lee University, and William and Mary. Another law school has caught my eye that I may well apply to, but that is it for the moment. I'll let you know where I end up going, but instead of continually anticipating a letter in the mail from a school, I think I will content myself with enjoying the waning days I have at the school that I know and love, the eponymously named Siena College (although no, it is not named after me...yet).
Saturday, January 9, 2010
TrustCo Bank Award for Excellence!
Happy Saturday Night, Everyone!
Yes.. I know it's 11:04 p.m. on a Saturday, but I had quite the exhilarating day and I just had to share it with you! Today, Pathfinders (A club that I'm one of four coordinators with) received an "Award of Excellence" for our work with Project Linus during halftime of the Saints basketball game against Niagra. Words can not described how honored I feel (and, I think I can speak for the rest of the coordinators in saying that). Standing center court with Father Mullen (President of Siena) in front of 8,068 people was one of the best experiences of my life. Since I do not think my words can describe how much this award meant, I'm going to paste for you the exact words that were said when we were walking down on court;
I was fortunate in having a partner for my 3 hour roadtrip; My wonderful Mom. Sometimes, when you're at college its as if you're in a different world entirely separate from your parents. Grades, everyday activities, club involvements etc tend to be forgotten in conversations just because there's so much to talk about, so for me it was great to be able to share this experience with my biggest fan. I know she was in awe of the whole experience, and this is something both of us will remember forever.
In other news, I go back to Siena THURSDAY for RA Winter Training. I'm excited to go back, but it'll be much better when everyone else returns on January 18th.
Well, I'm exhausted from today, and there's a new episode of Bridezilla on (Seriously, what a phenomenal show. Really teaches you how NOT to act on that special day) so I'm going to go. But, before I go I have two last things. First, I would like to publicly thank Pathfinders two Admissions Counselors who helped us with this entire project- Diana and Lauren; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! If it wasn't for your help we wouldn't be where we are today. You two are phenomenal people.
Secondly- I would like to attach a youtube video of the Pathfinders making the blankets (that was made by Diana).
I'll see you all soon!
Friday, January 8, 2010
My Last Semester Approaches
Luckily, I'm going to get a few opportunities to slow down and really think about my time here at Siena. I'm actually going to be speaking at one of the Presidential Scholars events in March! So if any of you reading this are a Presidential Scholar, you might get to hear me talk about my Siena experience on your visit here.
Well I'm going to go try and be productive before I have to go to work at Albany Berkshire Ballet. Talk to you all again soon!
P.S. It's currently snowing outside, so I thought that this Calvin and Hobbes strip was fitting. Anyone want to make a snowman with me? I'm sure once school starts back up I'll get some recruits to make snowmen on the academic quad. :-)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Babysitting Munchkin!
I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to blog yesterday but I was so worn out from babysitting! My cousin Matthew is 19months and adorable. Every tuesday, wednesday, & thursday he wakes me up early and literally pulls the covers off of me. As usual yesterday 7:10 rolled around and I heard " Up Oiya!" coming from the end of my bed! It really is adorable how he can't say the letter " l" and of course we eat breakfast and afterwards "cudder" with the crayons. It's amazing how much he knows and how intellegent he is at such a young age. I spent the majority of the morning teaching him the colors of the crayons and his knowledge of just the primary colors was added to by purple, orange, & teal!
I put him down after breakfast for a nap and found myself getting the oppertunity to catch up on some reading I had wanted to do. Unfortunatly, he only napped an hour and I was only able to read a few chapters of Pride Prejudice and Zombies. Despite the corny table it really is a fun read, if your in to Jane Austen or just Zombies! I happen to be a huge Jane Austen fan and have read everything that has evolved from Pride and Prejudice, such as Mr. Darcy Vampyre, and Kitty Bennetts Story. I must admitt Mr. Darcy Vampyre was highly entertaining and might be a runner up to the Twilight Series Books. I have the good fortune of going to see New Moon again tonight with my mom. I might be a tad bit obsessed, but who is'nt? I have even started trying to get my friend Mike to pick up Twilight.
So after a failed attempt at Matthew playing by himself I decided to make some good old block soup with him! We added alot more red blocks for flavor =]. And then his favorite show Pinky Dinky Doo came on. We had a great time singing the theme song together, although im sure if any one of my friends would have seen me they would think I was crazy. Following the show was our favorite part of the day playing with the Hess trucks untill my cousin came to pick him up. I was so exhausted I took a nap and finished my book. And now im even more excited to take a trip to the library hopefully next week.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
<3 Liv
Criminally Minded
Monday, January 4, 2010
...What do I do with all this time?
Now, I know semester breaks are supposed to be utilized to relax... but, I'm done relaxing. I'm bored. I need something to do already. I just came home from a weekend in Connecticut and I've already planned a "to-do" list for this week. First on my to-do list; get some of my more recent pictures developed and framed. I've decided I'm going to put them around my house, and replace some that are in my room. Second task for this week; READ! I have missed reading so much. I mean, I take English classes for my minor so I read all the time, but I haven't been able to read just to read, so I've picked up a book by F. Scott Fitzgerald for this week to pass some time. Third task; Paint. I want to surprise my parents and repaint one of our rooms. It was recently painted over the summer, but NO ONE likes the color, so I'm going to prime it, paint it, and decorate it. I watch the HDTV channel too much. I'm also working a few days this week, and traveling up to Albany for the Trust-Co award that was given to Pathfinders for our work with Project Linus. I'm finally BUSY again!
... Oh, and you may be wondering what my resolution is this upcoming year.. Well, I'm typically against them, BUT, this new decade I have one resolution for myself; FIND BALANCE! There are many times during the semester when I become too focused on one thing; whether it be my school work, my job (s), or friends that I forget to take a step back, and find that happy median. It was a rough road last semester with everything, and although I came out of it just barely scathed, I know I can make this semester run much smoother.
Here's to 2010!
Until next time,