Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

Okay so it may not feel like spring just yet but the roomates and I sure did some spring cleaning this week! After moving back in we all realized that we may have brought back a bit too much! However, we all seemed to make it fit, even the messy roomate, me! We also got a new roomate which was pretty exciting. I now have two crazy Floridian Water Polo players living with me =] We all get a long so well and im looking forward to roomate bonding in a little bit. Kind of cheesy yes but we have some fun activities planned. Of course I have to still get done the homework I have, yes homework alreadsy second day back.

Despite the homework Im so excited for my spring classes. I'm getting a lot of my core classes done so I can focus on my major and minor! I had Finite Math this morn, which is looking very promising to be pretty basic and easy enough for me. The best part of Siena's academics are its wide variety of classes to take and making sure there classes for those who aren't experts in the subject. And believe me I have not taken math since junior year of highschool. Despite the up coming stress of classes, tests, and papers, I always look forward to the begining of the semester. New classes and a fresh new start to be whatever kind of student you want to be, and new first impressions to make to show your teachers your serious and want to do well. And of course being the nerd I am NEW SCHOOLS SUPPLIES!!! I love new school supplies =] Come on who doesnt?

Well im going to start my homework and go to my basketball intramurals meeting!
<3 Liv

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