Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mission Accomplished...Almost

I know a lot of you folks out there have already been accepted into colleges and are probably spending the rest of your high school days on academic autopilot. I particularly remember being accepted at Siena pretty early in the admissions cycle. I had two reactions: "thank God," and, "my school year just ended." Well, I just recently got accepted into one of the law schools that I had applied to and my intial reaction this time was quite similar to when I got my Siena acceptance in the mail over three years ago: "thank God," and, well, "thank God" again. I have to say though, the second half of my reaction was different. Instead of wanting to triumphantly declare the end of my undergraduate academic career, I actually felt more motivated to excel at my schoolwork. Weird, right? Scary what college will do to you. In all seriousness though, I am taking a few classes this semester that I find genuinely interesting, such as Religion and the Founding Fathers, to name one. Still though, it is an immense relief to have been accepted into law school, which was a goal of mine throughout college.

Oh, and by the way, what Bianca says about Siena Basketball...completely true. I am a huge football and baseball fan, and I'll even admit to having rooted for the New York Knicks for a year or so during my naive youth, but basketball was never really something that I followed much. Well, I come to Siena, and all of a sudden I've turned into a NCAA Basketball fanatic. See for yourself:

Games attended Freshman year: 0
Games attended Sophomore year: 2
Games attended Junior year: a lot
Games attended Senior year: every home game so far

Pretty clear trend I would say.

Take Care,
Mike DiSiena

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