Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just six work days left? What the heck happened?

Wow time flies by! I was just looking at the calendar and, evidently, the end of the month is fast approaching, which means, the end of my internship down here in Fordham (or up here, depending on your perspective) is coming to a close. For better or for worse, these last few days are also going to be some of my busiest days as I work to wrap up the projects I've been working on.

One such project involves research into Emeritus Rules. Emeritus Rules, enacted in several states since the early 1980's, allow retired lawyers to continue to give free legal services, or pro bono work, even though they are no longer registered members with the bar association. For whatever reason, Emeritus Rules have never been enacted in New York State, supposedly one of the more progressive milieus in the country. In any case, I, along with a colleague, will be presenting a proposal for enacting Emeritus Rules to the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, Johnathan Lippman. The Court of Appeals is the highest court in New York State (why they don't simply call it the "Supreme Court" escapes me), and Lippman is the Chief Judge. In the immortal words of Ron Burgundy, you could say that he is "kind of a big deal."

This last weekend I did something I had never done before. Its probably not the most exciting of things in the eyes of most, but I went to a Catholic Church in downtown Manhattan that celebrated Mass in Latin. I have to admit, the whole experience was quite extraordinary and moving. To draw an analogy of how unfortunately rare this is in America, it would be like going to a school dance where the DJ played Baroque music. Just goes to show you that you can find anything in New York City if you try.

I will definitely miss aspects of NYC, but, like any extended time away from home, its good to leave, but its good to return too. Write to you when I return to scenic Mechanicville, likely returning from a fishing expedition.

-Mike DiSiena

"I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." ~Ron Burgundy

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