Friday, December 5, 2008

Now I know many of us have said that the semester has been busy for us in the past, but I have to say, this was the busiest week that I've experienced so far. The semester begins with excitement over returning back to your "Siena home" and the semester ends with excitement over returning to home sweet home.

I still have a few things to square away before my semester will be complete. Aside from finishing papers and taking exams I will have the opportunity to have dinner at one my professor's homes. As I mentioned a while back, I took a class on U.S. National Security post-9/11. The class was considered an "honors class," which means that you need to have a particularly strong academic record in order to be eligible to take the class. Classes like this are often close-knit and relationships develop between students and faculty that might not in a class of greater size (for instance, I usually don't even speak to the people next to me in my economics class). Well, this past class our professor said he would be delighted if everybody could join him for dinner. Needless to say, I'm wondering what kind of cook he any case, I'll let you know.

Take Care,
Mike DiSiena

"There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there."~G.K. Chesterton

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