Thursday, January 7, 2010

Babysitting Munchkin!

Happy 2010 Everyone!!

I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to blog yesterday but I was so worn out from babysitting! My cousin Matthew is 19months and adorable. Every tuesday, wednesday, & thursday he wakes me up early and literally pulls the covers off of me. As usual yesterday 7:10 rolled around and I heard " Up Oiya!" coming from the end of my bed! It really is adorable how he can't say the letter " l" and of course we eat breakfast and afterwards "cudder" with the crayons. It's amazing how much he knows and how intellegent he is at such a young age. I spent the majority of the morning teaching him the colors of the crayons and his knowledge of just the primary colors was added to by purple, orange, & teal!

I put him down after breakfast for a nap and found myself getting the oppertunity to catch up on some reading I had wanted to do. Unfortunatly, he only napped an hour and I was only able to read a few chapters of Pride Prejudice and Zombies. Despite the corny table it really is a fun read, if your in to Jane Austen or just Zombies! I happen to be a huge Jane Austen fan and have read everything that has evolved from Pride and Prejudice, such as Mr. Darcy Vampyre, and Kitty Bennetts Story. I must admitt Mr. Darcy Vampyre was highly entertaining and might be a runner up to the Twilight Series Books. I have the good fortune of going to see New Moon again tonight with my mom. I might be a tad bit obsessed, but who is'nt? I have even started trying to get my friend Mike to pick up Twilight.

So after a failed attempt at Matthew playing by himself I decided to make some good old block soup with him! We added alot more red blocks for flavor =]. And then his favorite show Pinky Dinky Doo came on. We had a great time singing the theme song together, although im sure if any one of my friends would have seen me they would think I was crazy. Following the show was our favorite part of the day playing with the Hess trucks untill my cousin came to pick him up. I was so exhausted I took a nap and finished my book. And now im even more excited to take a trip to the library hopefully next week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
<3 Liv

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