Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Snow day!

Hey everyone, how are yah? The other day we had one of the most glorious days of winter, a day that every kid hopes for when the first snow flake falls from the sky, thats right we got a half-day snow day. Now I thought out of high school, my hopes of taking time off for snow days were going to be incredibly slim, but once again in life I'm wrong! :) This school seems like its jinxed. I feel like we get hit harder here with precipitation than any of the surrounding towns. When the ice storm hit in december we were the only school to have our exams cancelled and allowed to get out early and now the snow seems like its piling up by the day. I enjoyed my time off by lazily watching T.V. with a bunch of my buddies from the dorms, playing a little X-Box 360, then a little homework to close out the night. Nothing too crazy. I wanted to play round in the snow for a bit during the afternoon. You know a little snow football with the crew from our hall, but we got some freezing rain that put an end to that. If the snow isn't powder it's no fun to play in, I mean who wants to slip and slide around an ice covered cust? Tonight we have a game for hockey. It's pretty big. We travel to Connecticut. If we don't win we could drop in the rankings but if we win we could potentially move up, so keep ur fingers crossed!

Keep it real, Josh.....

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