Friday, November 7, 2008

Planning Ahead

As I recall, the process for signing up for courses in high school was fairly straightforward. You didn't have too many options (or at least that was my experience). Well, here at Siena it seems like there is an endless list of courses that you can take...anything from a course on the Symphonies of Beethoven, to Greek and Roman Philosophy, to Chemistry in the News. We're at the point in the semester when we start selecting what courses we will take next semester. There are numerous required courses you must take here at Siena, but at the same time, your options can be overwhelming at times.

Don't worry though, Siena assigns you to a faculty member, known as your advisor, who will help you along the way. In fact, Siena requires that you meet with your advisor so that your academic experience goes smoothly. It's hard to say how valuable your advisor can be. I don't know if I told you but I am a political science major and a philosophy major. That means I have to take required courses to earn a major in both categories. Needless to say it can get difficult keeping of track of what you need to take.

In any case, I have met with my advisor and in less than 15 minutes we were able to figure out what I should take for next semester. What a relief!

Until next time,
Mike DiSiena

"An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered."~G.K. Chesterton


  1. just a general question, what are your thoughts on the freshman dorms

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The first day I arrived at Siena to begin my first semester as a student I too was wondering what my dorm would look like. I remember it was a rainy/cloudy day and as I opened up the door to my room I thought to myself "Welcome to Sing-Sing prison." It was empty, bland and mildly depressing. However, after me and my roommate worked together to organize our stuff and make the room a little more lively I have to say it wasn't bad at all. In fact, I have to admit it kind of grew on me, so much so that I started referring to it as "home."
