Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey Everyone!

Happy Monday! My goodness, it has been quite the hectic week(s). 5 Day medical leaves do not work in your favor, I'll tell you that much. My professors helped out a lot with the "catching up", but, I still haven't pushed the boulder all the way to the top of the mountain top just yet. I'm thinking tomorrow after my accounting exam I'll be able to breath again.

But, there is a happy ending to my hectic week...IT'S THANKSGIVING BREAK!! Granted, everyone has already left, or is leaving tomorrow and I'm here until Wednesday to close the building, but I have a lot of fun planned for the next 72 ish hours. Firstly, after my accounting exam at 2:30 p.m tomorrow I plan on taking an incredible nap. One of those naps thats more comatose than anything you've ever experienced. Then, I plan on playing Mario Kart against my residents (we have quite the tournaments). After some recreational fun, I'm going to the basketball game with my boyfriend and one of my best friends. After we get back, me and my fellow Hines Hall RA's are having an "RA sleepover" in the office :). Then, all I have to do Wednesday is check the rooms and then I'm on the road back to Long Island. I've got it all planned out :)

But, before I go back to studying 6 chapters of Accounting (YIKEEEES!) I'll leave you with this. Recently, my "family" and I have been attending church every Sunday at 6 p.m. It is this hour that has led me to peace of mind, and a state of relaxation. It is such a safe haven, and the masses are great. But, what's even more great about it is that I'm with the people I love. Everyone says in College you meet your friends of your lifetime, and it's true. I consider my friends here my family because we're here for each other through everything, no questions, and no judgement. It's something you all definitely have to look forward too :)

Have a great week everyone!

P.S- No pictures (boring, I know) but, I would like to congratulate my ex-roomie, Liv for becoming a member of our team!

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