Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Overdose

Well, its Sunday night, which means I'm back at Siena after an awesome Thanksgiving Break at home. I went home Tuesday after my Endocrinology class. It was about a two and a half hour drive to my house in CT which isn't too bad. I have my car on campus, so I carpooled with another Siena student who actually lives right down the road from me.

Over break, I had family come over and celebrate with us. My cousin has a 6 year old niece who is a bundle of energy. I had a lot of fun playing with her. She had a lot of fun with the Turkey this year. She even named our dinner "Joe." She thanked Joe for giving up his life so that we could have a nice family dinner.

In between spending time with family, I also had to start studying for my Endocrinology test which is coming up on Tuesday. Actually, that's what I'm about to do right now! I know it sounds crazy to study for a test a week before the exam, and the fact that it was over break is even worse! But rest assured, its really not that bad. I usually start studying for exams a few days before. There's always a lot of material to cover and I find that reviewing it over a few days is a lot easier than trying to cram the night before.

Well, I guess I should get back to work. It's going to be a busy week. Well actually, it'll be a busy three weeks until finals are over. I've still got two papers to write, a presentation, and an exam! Yikes! But its really not that bad. I have plenty of time to work on it all.

I've also got a lot of things to look forward to in the next few weeks. The Bhangra team has a performance this upcoming Thursday in Schenectady, and we're also doing a program with Residential Life on Bhangra. There's also the BLSU (Black and Latino Student Union) Winter Weekend Ball which I usually go to every year. And a whole bunch of basketball games to go to! Oh yes, its going to be a busy three weeks filled with academics, club activities, and fun too!

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