Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week #42

So its been another crazy-busy week for me. We had a long weekend-which was great-but it was such a tease…I could really use like 2 weeks off about now.
I am going this weekend with the business fraternity I am involved with, Delta Sigma Pi, to a business leadership conference in Boston, MA. All of the collegiate and alumni chapters in the northeast will be represented so I am very excited for lots of fun and excellent networking.

Attention all potential accounting majors (aka number-crunching nerds….jk!) tonight I am going to an information session about the new Masters of Science in Accountancy program that Siena is starting up. As you know Siena is an only undergraduate institution. However, in response to New York State changing the requirements for accountants to sit for the uniform certified public accountancy (CPA) exam, Siena has followed suit with other colleges in implementing a Masters degree program that will fulfill the educational requirements. The program is a one-year accelerated M.S. degree. I am looking forward to hearing what they have to say about the program because I would LOVE to stay at Siena an extra year for my Masters rather than go elsewhere!

Anyways I am signing-off here…I have philosophy in an hour and want to re-read the assignment so I’m not lost (it can get pretty complex!).

Until next time,

If there were ever a time to dare,
to make a difference,
to embark on something worth doing,
it is now.
Not for any grand cause, necessarily—
but for something that tugs at your heart,
something that’s your aspiration,
something that’s your dream.

You owe it to yourself to make your days here count.
Have fun.
Dig deep.
Dream big.

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